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EssayTagger is a web-based tool to help teachers grade essays faster.
But it is not an auto-grader.

This blog will cover EssayTagger's latest feature updates as well as musings on
education, policy, innovation, and preserving teachers' sanity.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Latest Update: Class rosters!

Major new update: we now fully support class rosters in the system!

I've designed it to be as little work as possible for teachers to build and manage their class rosters. Under the ideal scenario (outlined below), you can let the students build the rosters for you automatically when they upload their first assignment.

Here's the tutorial video for creating and managing your class rosters in EssayTagger.com:

The student upload process has also been slightly altered to accomodate the changes. Here's the new version of the tutorial for student uploads:

And you can still upload essays yourself. It isn't ideal, but we know that not everyone is ready to have the students do the uploading. The biggest downside of uploading essays yourself is that it takes a bit more work to then associate each essay with a student. Here's the instructor upload tutorial: